How it works
The Sunset Labs Semi-Continuous OC/EC Field Analyser (Model 4) is a field deployable organic carbon and elemental carbon (OC/EC) analyser with true laser-based pyrolysis correction and compatibility with accepted NIOSH 5040 methods
The Sunset Laboratory model 4 Semi-Continuous OC/EC Field Analyser incorporates the latest advances in electronic and optical technology, along with an optimised oven and detector design for sensitive and reliable field operation. It has a reduced footprint, significantly reduced need for support gases, computer controlled flow system for enhanced sensitivity and fast analysis times and improved user access for simplified maintenance and service.
Extensive testing of the basic design at several EPA super-sites has demonstrated excellent sensitivity and comparability with co-located integrated filter sampling systems.
- Ambient air quality and environmental exposure measurements
- Indoor air exposure assessment monitoring
- Long-term environmental research such as studying the effects of regulatory changes
- NIOSH exposure assessments in the workplace
Contact us for servicing information.