Results 1 - 11 / 11

Droplet Measurement Technologies WIBS-5 Wideband Integrated Bioaerosol Sensor

A real-time bioaerosol sensor for single particle measurement of atmospheric bacteria, moulds, pollen, and other bioaerosols

Droplet Measurement Technologies Cloud Condensation Nuclei Counter (Model CCN-100/200)

A counter that measures the count and size of individual aerosol particles that can form into cloud droplets

Droplet Measurement Technologies Back-scatter Cloud Probe with Polarisation Detection

A compact probe to measure cloud droplet size distributions to derive the total number concentrations, liquid water, median volume diameter, and effective diameter

Droplet Measurement Technologies Ground-based Fog and Aerosol Spectrometer with Polarisation Detection (GFAS-DPOL)

A compact, robust, easily deployable revolutionary way to analyse haze and fog

Droplet Measurement Technologies MPS Meteorological Particle Spectrometer

A precipitation-measuring optical disdrometer, used by the National Weather Service for rain and drizzle research

Droplet Measurement Technologies Micro Pulse LiDAR

A reliable, sophisticated laser remote sensing system for remote atmospheric monitoring

Droplet Measurement Technologies Mini Micro Pulse LiDAR (MiniMPL)

A ground-based, optical, remote-sensing system designed to determine the altitude of clouds and to detect atmospheric aerosols

Droplet Measurement Technologies PAX Photoacoustic Extinctiometer

A sensitive, high-resolution, fast-response instrument for measuring aerosol optical properties relevant for climate change and carbon particle sensing

Droplet Measurement Technologies Single Particle Soot Photometer (SP2)

A highly sensitive instrument for direct measurement of black carbon in individual aerosol particles

Droplet Measurement Technologies Single Particle Soot Photometer - Extended Range (SP2-XR)

A highly sensitive instrument that directly measures refractory black carbon in individual particles with a modified design for long-term monitoring applications

Droplet Measurement Technologies Ultra-High Sensitivity Aerosol Spectrometer (Model UHSAS-G)

An optical-scattering, laser-based aerosol particle spectrometer for sizing particles in the 0.06 µm to 1 µm range