26th February 2017

Methane measurement made easy: see our newest range of microportable greenhouse gas analysers

Duncan Mounsor Managing Director

Specialists in the world of high-precision portable gas analysers, ABB Los Gatos Research, have gone and done it again with the MGGA-918 series.

Their latest, lightest ever, microportable greenhouse gas analysers the M-GGA-918 and M-GPC-918, weigh little more than a third of the weight of the original ultraportable greenhouse gas analyser (UGGA), clocking in at a svelte 5.8 kg and yet delivering highly reliable data suitable for reporting fugitive emission measurements of methane (CH₄), carbon dioxide (CO₂), and water vapour (H20) simultaneously.

With a crushproof case and a three-hour internal battery, the 918’s are simply one of the most convenient field instruments available on the market today. Ideal for compliance monitoring, leak detection (e.g., natural gas, coal seam gas, coal bed methane), air quality studies, and soil flux studies.

Additionally, there’s no need to wait; data is recorded just 20 seconds after switching on. The internal computer stores data practically indefinitely on an SD card and sends data to a tablet, smart phone, or other Wi-Fi device.

The M-GGA-918 includes an “Extended Range” option, which allows accurate methane measurements at % level (without dilution) without reducing precision and sensitivity at typical ambient levels – a unique capability.

The M-GPC-918 provides an extended range option up to 1000 ppm.

It is completely possible to have laboratory-standard analysis that is easy to use at your fingertips anytime, anywhere.

We are working together to deliver the highest quality scientific instrumentation for academic research.

ET have been distributors for Los Gatos Research (a member of the ABB Group) since 2012. Suppliers to the UK and Ireland of their range of rack-mounted trace gas, ultra-portable, and isotopic gas analysers.

All LGR’s analysers utilise a unique technology that puts them ahead of the field when compared with cavity ringdown spectroscopy. This technology, Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy (OA-ICOS), offers superior performance, value, and reliability.

Since 2012, ET has sold over 100 LGR analysers to universities and research facilities within the UK and overseas.

For more information about the ground-breaking LGR 918 series micro portable analysers or any of LGR’s range of superior gas analysers, available within the UK and Ireland from Enviro Technology Services Ltd, speak to our specialists today.

Call us at 01453 733200 or email us.

New report highlights air pollution problems and opportunities in England’s cities

20th January 2025

A recent report on health in cities by England’s Chief Medical Officer stated that air pollution is a “major threat” to the health of urban populations.

Elspeth Rider Copywriter

ET wins AQE award for innovative bettair®️ partnership

18th October 2024

Enviro Technology Services has been recognised for its innovative partnership offering the most accurate multi-parameter air quality sensor, the bettair®️ node.

Communications team

Meet ET at APC 2024 and AQE 2024

4th September 2024

We are excited to announce that ET will be exhibiting at two leading industry events this year: APC 2024 and AQE 2024.

Duncan Mounsor Managing Director