JCT JCS-100 Sample Gas Cooler (Compressor)

JCT JCS-100 Sample Gas Cooler (Compressor)

A compact, high performance compressor sample gas cooler that works in challenging applications

  • Continuous condensate removal to protect highly sensitive gas analysers.
  • Intuitive, user-friendly interface to make operating the JCS100 hassle-free

How it works

The JCS-100 is built to ensure precise gas sample conditioning which is critical for accurate gas analysis. Through effectively cooling gas samples, it minimises water vapour content and eliminates the risk of condensation.

The JCS-100 is made with high-quality materials and can withstand rigorous usage and harsh environmental conditions, ensuring longevity and reliability.


  • Extractive gas analysis
  • Emission and process monitoring
  • Continuous drying of sample gas to a precise low and constant outlet dew point


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